ClarkVision Photography: Lake Clark National Park Gallery

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image bear-cub-laying-cute-c08-20-2023-1C-4C3A9522.d-1400s.jpg is Copyrighted by Roger N. Clark,

Brown Bear Cub Looking Cute, Lake Clark National Park, Alaska, 2023 #4C3A9522

Lake Clark National Park, Alaska, is a very remote park accessible only by aircraft or boat. It became a National Park in 1980. The Brown Bears in Lake Clark National Park are numerous so it is easy to get great images of them along the coast.

This brown bear cub approached me and laid down only 5.7 meters away. Mom was nearby to the left.

Technical. Canon EOS R5 Mirrorless Digital Camera, Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM at 255.0 mm, exposure= 1/500 second, f/5.7, ISO 200.

Keywords to this image = alaska brown_bear bear baby_animals lakeclarkNP canon_r5 NEW

Image ID: bear-cub-laying-cute-c08-20-2023-1C-4C3A9522.d-1400s.jpg

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Last updated September 05, 2024